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Donate to the Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team (GKHAT)

Make a general donation to support our Club! 

GKHAT is a not-for-profit organization, run by volunteers and parents dedicated to helping young skiers learn the fun essentials of safe skiing and ski racing.  If you would like to make a general donation to the club to support our program and athletes please contact
our fundraising committee and click below to make a donation by etransfer ( or credit card. 

Make a donation to GKHAT by Credit Card
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Make a donation to help us buy our team Van! 

GKHAT is currently looking for sponsors to keep our team van rolling. If you are aware of a business who would be interested in advertising on our team van, please contact 
our fundraising committee and click below to make a donation by e-transfer or credit card.

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Please note that we are not able to provide official tax receipts for donations. Please direct your questions to
